

Reasoning About Software Architecture-Based Regression Testing Through a Case Study

14 years 9 months ago
Reasoning About Software Architecture-Based Regression Testing Through a Case Study
Two main issues need to be covered when dealing with the dependability of component-based systems: quality assurance of reusable software components and quality assurance of the assembled component-based system. By focussing on the assembly, a software architecture specification of a component-based system allows to explicitly model the structure and required system behavior by specifying how components and connectors are intended to interact. Software architecture-based conformance testing techniques can yield confidence on the implementation conformance to expected structural and behavioral properties as specified in the architectural models. In this paper we explore software architecture-based regression testing methods that enable reuse of earlier saved results to test if a different assembly of components conforms to the evolved software architecture. The approach is presented through a running example.
Henry Muccini, Marcio S. Dias, Debra J. Richardson
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Henry Muccini, Marcio S. Dias, Debra J. Richardson
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