

Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Propositional Peer-to-Peer Inference Systems

14 years 5 months ago
Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Propositional Peer-to-Peer Inference Systems
In a peer-to-peer inference system, there is no centralized control or hierarchical organization: each peer is equivalent in functionality and cooperates with other peers in order to solve a collective reasoning task. Since peer theories model possibly different viewpoints, even if each local theory is consistent, the global theory may be inconsistent. We exhibit a distributed algorithm detecting inconsistencies in a fully decentralized setting. We provide a fully distributed reasoning algorithm, which computes only well-founded consequences of a formula, i.e., with a consistent set of support.
Philippe Chatalic, Gia Hien Nguyen, Marie-Christin
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ECAI
Authors Philippe Chatalic, Gia Hien Nguyen, Marie-Christine Rousset
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