

Receipt-Free Electronic Auction Schemes Using Homomorphic Encryption

14 years 3 months ago
Receipt-Free Electronic Auction Schemes Using Homomorphic Encryption
Bid-rigging is a dangerous attack in electronic auction. Abe and Suzuki firstly introduced the idea of receipt-free to prevent this attack. In this paper we point out that Abe and Suzuki’s scheme only provides receipt-freeness for losing bidders. We argue that it is more important to provide receipt-freeness for winners and propose a new receipt-free sealed bid auction scheme using the homomorphic encryption technique. In contrast to Abe and Suzuki’s scheme, our scheme satisfies privacy, correctness, public verifiability and receipt-freeness for all bidders. Also, our scheme is not based on threshold trust model but threeparty trust model, so it is more suitable for real-life auction. Furthermore, we extend our scheme to M + 1-st price receipt-free auction. Key words: Bid-rigging, Receipt-free, Homomorphic encryption, Auction.
Xiaofeng Chen, Byoungcheon Lee, Kwangjo Kim
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Xiaofeng Chen, Byoungcheon Lee, Kwangjo Kim
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