

Recent Extensions to Traviando

14 years 8 months ago
Recent Extensions to Traviando
—Traviando is a trace analyzer and visualizer for simulation traces of discrete event dynamic systems. In this paper, we briefly outline recent extensions of Traviando towards an identification of model invariants and a detection of partial deadlocks and immediate events. This new functionality complements an existing model-checker and event browser. In addition to the graphical user interface, a new command-line version of the tool allows a user to obtain analysis results being documented in a set of generated web pages, which minimizes the learning curve for the use of Traviando to obtain some feedback on the details of a simulation run. Keywords-trace analysis; simulation; software tool I. MOTIVATION A model-based evaluation of systems or system design is made possible by powerful modeling environments. A subsequent analysis is often based on simulation. For a discrete event simulation, a simulation engine generates a sequence of events that is used to perform some statistical a...
Peter Kemper
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where QEST
Authors Peter Kemper
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