

Recognising facial expressions in video sequences

14 years 3 months ago
Recognising facial expressions in video sequences
Abstract We introduce a system that processes a sequence of images of a front-facing human face and recognises a set of facial expressions. We use an efficient appearance-based face tracker to locate the face in the image sequence and estimate the deformation of its non-rigid components. The tracker works in real-time. It is robust to strong illumination changes and factors out changes in appearance caused by illumination from changes due to face deformation. We adopt a model-based approach for facial expression recognition. In our model, an image of a face is represented by a point in a deformation space. The variability of the classes of images associated to facial expressions are represented by a set of samples which model a low-dimensional manifold in the space of deformations. We introduce a probabilistic procedure based on a nearest-neighbour approach to combine the information provided by the incoming image sequence with the prior information stored in the expression manifold in...
José Miguel Buenaposada, Enrique Muñ
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PAA
Authors José Miguel Buenaposada, Enrique Muñoz, Luis Baumela
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