

Recognition of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Recognition of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
The class of linear context-free rewriting systems has been introduced as a generalization of a class of grammar formalisms known as mildly context-sensitive. The recognition problem for linear context-free rewriting languages is studied at length here, presenting evidence that, even in some restricted cases, it cannot be solved efficiently. This entails the existence of a gap between, for example, tree adjoining languages and the subclass of linear context-free rewriting languages that generalizes the former class; such a gap is attributed to "crossing configurations". A few other interesting consequences of the main result are discussed, that concern the recognition problem for linear context-free rewriting languages.
Giorgio Satta
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ACL
Authors Giorgio Satta
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