

Recommendation of Software Technologies Based on Collaborative Filtering

14 years 8 months ago
Recommendation of Software Technologies Based on Collaborative Filtering
Software engineers have to select some appropriate development technologies to use in the work; however, engineers sometimes cannot find the appropriate technologies because there are vast amount of options today. To solve this problem, we propose a software technology recommendation method based on Collaborative Filtering (CF). In the proposed method, at first, questionnaires are collected from concerned engineers about their technical interest. Next, similarities between an active engineer who gets recommendation and the other engineers are calculated according to the technical interests. Then, some similar engineers are selected for the active engineer. At last, some technologies are recommended which attract the similar engineers. An experimental evaluation showed that the proposed method can make accurate recommendations than that of a naïve (non-CF) method.
Tomohiro Akinaga, Naoki Ohsugi, Masateru Tsunoda,
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Tomohiro Akinaga, Naoki Ohsugi, Masateru Tsunoda, Takeshi Kakimoto, Akito Monden, Ken-ichi Matsumoto
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