In this paper, we design recommender systems for weblogs based on the link structure among them. We propose algorithms based on refined random walks and spectral methods. First, we observe the use of the personalized page rank vector to capture the relevance among nodes in a social network. We apply the local partitioning algorithms based on refined random walks to approximate the personalized page rank vector, and extend these ideas from undirected graphs to directed graphs. Moreover, inspired by ideas from spectral clustering, we design a similarity metric among nodes of a social network using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a normalized adjacency matrix of the social network graph. In order to evaluate these algorithms, we crawled a set of weblogs and construct a weblog graph. We expect that these algorithms based on the link structure perform very well for weblogs, since the average degree of nodes in the weblog graph is large. Finally, we compare the performance of our algori...
Zeinab Abbassi, Vahab S. Mirrokni