

A Reconfigurable Load Balancing Architecture for Molecular Dynamics

14 years 6 months ago
A Reconfigurable Load Balancing Architecture for Molecular Dynamics
This paper proposes a novel architecture supporting dynamic load balancing on an FPGA for a Molecular Dynamics algorithm. Load balancing is primarily achieved through the use of specialized processing units, referred to as FLEX units. FLEX units are able to switch between tasks required by a molecular dynamics algorithm as often as needed in order to cater to the nature of the input parameters. This architecture is capable of run-time performance analysis and dynamic resource allocation in order to maximize throughput. Results of a prototype of the architecture targeting an FPGA are presented.
Jonathan Phillips, Matthew Areno, Chris Rogers, Ar
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPPS
Authors Jonathan Phillips, Matthew Areno, Chris Rogers, Aravind Dasu, Brandon Eames
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