

Reconstruction of Reticulate Networks from Gene Trees

15 years 22 days ago
Reconstruction of Reticulate Networks from Gene Trees
Abstract. One of the simplest evolutionary models has molecular sequences evolving from a common ancestor down a bifurcating phylogenetic tree, experiencing point-mutations along the way. However, empirical analyses of different genes indicate that the evolution of genomes is often more complex than can be represented by such a model. Thus, the following problem is of significant interest in molecular evolution: Given a set of molecular sequences, compute a reticulate network that explains the data using a minimal number of reticulations. This paper makes four contributions toward solving this problem. First, it shows that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the tangles in a reticulate network, the connected components of the associated incompatibility graph and the netted components of the associated splits graph. Second, it provides an algorithm that computes a most parsimonious reticulate network in polynomial time, if the reticulations contained in any tangle have a ce...
Daniel H. Huson, Tobias H. Klöpper, Pete J. L
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Daniel H. Huson, Tobias H. Klöpper, Pete J. Lockhart, Mike A. Steel
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