In recent years, the data management community has begun to consider situations in which data access is closely tied to network routing and distributed acquisition: examples include, sensor networks that execute queries about reachable nodes or contiguous regions, declarative networks that maintain information about shortest paths and reachable endpoints, and distributed and peer-to-peer stream systems that detect associations (e.g., transitive relationships) among data at the distributed sources. In each case, the fundamental operation is to maintain a view over dynamic network state. This view is typically distributed, recursive, and may contain aggregation, e.g., describing transitive connectivity, shortest paths, least costly paths, or region membership. Surprisingly, solutions to computing such views are often domain-specific, expensive, and incomplete. In this paper, we recast the problem as one of incremental recursive view maintenance in the presence of distributed streams of u...
Mengmeng Liu, Nicholas E. Taylor, Wenchao Zhou, Za