

Reduction Strategies for Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Reduction Strategies for Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems
Huet and L´evy (1979) showed that needed reduction is a normalizing strategy for orthogonal (i.e., left-linear and non-overlapping) term rewriting systems. In order to obtain a decidable needed reduction strategy, they proposed the notion of strongly sequential approximation. Extending their seminal work, several better decidable approximations of left-linear term rewriting systems, for example, NV approximation, shallow approximation, growing approximation, etc., have been investigated in the literature. In all of these works, orthogonality is required to guarantee approximated decidable needed reductions are actually normalizing strategies. This paper extends these decidable normalizing strategies to left-linear overlapping term rewriting systems. The key idea is the balanced weak Church-Rosser property. We prove that approximated external reduction is a computable normalizing strategy for the class of left-linear term rewriting systems in which every critical pair can be joined wit...
Yoshihito Toyama
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Yoshihito Toyama
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