

Registration of 4D Cardiac CT Sequences Under Trajectory Constraints With Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons

13 years 6 months ago
Registration of 4D Cardiac CT Sequences Under Trajectory Constraints With Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons
Abstract--We propose a framework for the nonlinear spatiotemporal registration of 4D time-series of images based on the Diffeomorphic Demons (DD) algorithm. In this framework, the 4D spatiotemporal registration is decoupled into a 4D temporal registration, defined as mapping physiological states, and a 4D spatial registration, defined as mapping trajectories of physical points. Our contribution focuses more specifically on the 4D spatial registration that should be consistent over time as opposed to 3D registration that solely aims at mapping homologous points at a given time-point. First, we estimate in each sequence the motion displacement field, which is a dense representation of the point trajectories we want to register. Then, we perform simultaneously 3D registrations of corresponding time-points with the constraints to map the same physical points over time called the trajectory constraints. Under these constraints, we show that the 4D spatial registration can be formulated as a...
Jean-Marc Peyrat, Herve Delingette, Maxime Sermesa
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TMI
Authors Jean-Marc Peyrat, Herve Delingette, Maxime Sermesant, Chenyang Xu, Nicholas Ayache
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