

Regular Expressions with Numerical Constraints and Automata with Counters

14 years 9 months ago
Regular Expressions with Numerical Constraints and Automata with Counters
Abstract. Regular expressions with numerical constraints are an extension of regular expressions, allowing to bound numerically the number of times that a subexpression should be matched. Expressions in this extension describe the same languages as the usual regular expressions, but are exponentially more succinct. We define a class of finite automata with counters and a deterministic subclass of these. Deterministic finite automata with counters can recognize words in linear time. Furthermore, we describe a subclass of the regular expressions with numerical constraints, a polynomial-time test for this subclass, and a polynomial-time construction of deterministic finite automata with counters from expressions in the subclass.
Dag Hovland
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Dag Hovland
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