

Reinforcement Learning for Platform-Independent Visual Robot Control

14 years 6 months ago
Reinforcement Learning for Platform-Independent Visual Robot Control
—This paper proposes a new architecture for robot control. A test scenario is outlined to test the proposed system and enable a comparison with an existing system, which is able to fulfil the scenario and thus be used as a benchmark. The scenario is a navigation task, to allow a robot to approach a specified landmark. The proposed architecture will make use of two control units, one to allow a pan/tilt camera to track the landmark as the robot moves, and a second to control the robots drive motors. These units will be trained via reinforcement learning, and provide the potential for platformindependent robot control.
David Muse, Kevin Burn, Stefan Wermter
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors David Muse, Kevin Burn, Stefan Wermter
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