

Relationships for Dynamic Data Types in RSQL

8 years 10 months ago
Relationships for Dynamic Data Types in RSQL
Abstract: Currently, there is a mismatch between the conceptual model of an information system and its implementation in a database management system (DBMS). Most of the conceptual modeling languages relate their conceptual entities with relationships, but relational database management systems solely rely on the notion of relations to model both, entities and relationships. To make things worse, real world objects are not static as assumed in such modeling languages, but change over time. Thus, modeling languages were enriched to model those scenarios, as well. However, mapping these models onto relational databases requires the use of object-relational mapping engines, which in turn hide the semantics of the conceptual model from the DBMS. Consequently, traditional relational database systems cannot directly ensure specific consistency constraints and thus lose their meaning as single point of truth for highly distributed information systems. To overcome these issues we have propose...
Tobias Jäkel, Thomas Kühn 0001, Stefan H
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BTW
Authors Tobias Jäkel, Thomas Kühn 0001, Stefan Hinkel, Hannes Voigt, Wolfgang Lehner
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