

Reliability Markov Chains for Security Data Transmitter Analysis

14 years 9 months ago
Reliability Markov Chains for Security Data Transmitter Analysis
Security communication systems composed of highly reliable components may have few if any failures while undergoing heavy testing or field-usage. This paper combines (i) analysis of randomized pulse modulation schemes based on finite Markov chains with (ii) security communication systems failure as a rare event with a finite-state, discrete-parameter, recurrent Markov chain that models the failures. An application of these results would be (i) in the analysis of randomized pulse width modulation implemented into the command of the railway data transmitter for the traffic security, and (ii) in the analysis of these system`s reliability.
Calin Ciufudean, Bianca Satco, Constantin Filote
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Calin Ciufudean, Bianca Satco, Constantin Filote
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