

A remark on equivalent Rosser sentences

14 years 3 months ago
A remark on equivalent Rosser sentences
An oversight in Guaspari and Solovay's "Rosser sentences" (1979, Ann. Math. Log., 16, 81) is pointed out and emended. It concerns the premisses of their proof that there are standard proof predicates all of whose Rosser sentences are provably equivalent. The result holds up, but the premisses mentioned in the paper have to be strengthened somewhat. Key words: Proof predicate, Rosser sentence, Provability logic 1991 MSC: 03F40, 03F45
Christopher von Bülow
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where APAL
Authors Christopher von Bülow
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