

A remark on the subsequence problem for arc-annotated sequences with pairwise nested arcs

14 years 2 months ago
A remark on the subsequence problem for arc-annotated sequences with pairwise nested arcs
The Arc-Preserving Subsequence (APS) problem appears in the comparison of RNA structures in computational biology. Given two arcannotated sequences of length n and m < n, APS asks if the shorter sequence can be obtained from the longer one by deleting certain elements along with their incident arcs. It is known that APS with pairwise nested arcs can be solved in O(mn) time. We give an algorithm running in O(m2 +n) time in the worst case, actually it is even faster in particular if the shorter sequence has many arcs. The result may serve as a buidling block for improved APS algorithms in the general case.
Peter Damaschke
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IPL
Authors Peter Damaschke
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