

Remote haptic feedback from a dynamic running machine

14 years 7 months ago
Remote haptic feedback from a dynamic running machine
— In this paper we present our efforts to design a system for feeding back useful haptic information from a highly dynamic running robot to a remote operator using a haptic device. Without adding additional sensors, the legs of the robot are used as feelers to give the operator the capability to both explore and manipulate the robot’s environment and to gather meaningful information about properties not captured by visual feedback like weight, movability and structure of an encountered object. We show the capabilities of the system in a user study with both trained and untrained operators.
Hanns Tappeiner, Sarjoun Skaff, Tomas Szabo, Ralph
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Hanns Tappeiner, Sarjoun Skaff, Tomas Szabo, Ralph L. Hollis
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