

Reporting of standard cell placement results

14 years 3 months ago
Reporting of standard cell placement results
VLSI fabrication technology has advanced rapidly, bringing with it a strong demand for faster and better design automation tools. Accurate reporting of results for placement approaches is crucial to the development of improved automation tools; unfortunately, publicly available placement benchmarks are outdated, and there are wide variations in their interpretation. At best, poor benchmarks and differences in interpretation result in misunderstandings of the effectiveness of some approaches. At worst, they can motivate research in areas of very little promise, while other areas which have true potential are ignored. In this paper, we describe current standard cell placement benchmarks and illustrate common differences in their interpretation, in the hope that a clear understanding of these issues will allow research to be directed and evaluated more efficiently.
Patrick H. Madden
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TCAD
Authors Patrick H. Madden
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