

The Representation of Multimodal User Interface Dialogues Using Discourse Pegs

14 years 4 months ago
The Representation of Multimodal User Interface Dialogues Using Discourse Pegs
The three-tiered discourse representation defined in (Luperfoy, 1991) is applied to multimodal humancomputer interface (HCI) dialogues. In the applied system the three tiers are (1) a linguistic analysis (morphological, syntactic, sentential semantic) of input and output communicative events including keyboard-entered command language atoms, NL strings, mouse clicks, output text strings, and output graphical events; (2) a discourse model representation containing one discourse object, called a peg, for each construct (each guise of an individual) under discussion; and (3) the knowledge base (KB) representation of the computer agent's 'belief' system which is used to support its interpretation procedures. I present evidence to justify the added complexity of this three-tiered system over standard two-tiered representations, based on (A) cognitive processes that must be supported for any non-idealized dialogue environment (e.g., the agents can discuss constructs not prese...
Susann LuperFoy
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ACL
Authors Susann LuperFoy
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