

Representing Aggregators in Relational Probabilistic Models

8 years 9 months ago
Representing Aggregators in Relational Probabilistic Models
We consider the problem of, given a probabilistic model on a set of random variables, how to add a new variable that depends on the other variables, without changing the original distribution. In particular, we consider relational models (such as Markov logic networks (MLNs)), where we cannot directly define conditional probabilities. In relational models, there may be an unbounded number of parents in the grounding, and conditional distributions need to be defined in terms of aggregators. The question we ask is whether and when it is possible to represent conditional probabilities at all in various relational models. Some aggregators have been shown to be representable by MLNs, by adding auxiliary variables; however it was unknown whether they could be defined without auxiliary variables. For other aggregators, it was not known whether they can be represented by MLNs at all. We obtained surprisingly strong negative results on the capability of flexible undirected relational model...
David Buchman, David Poole
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AAAI
Authors David Buchman, David Poole
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