

Reputation-based Wi-Fi deployment protocols and security analysis

14 years 8 months ago
Reputation-based Wi-Fi deployment protocols and security analysis
In recent years, wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) have established thousands of WiFi hot spots in cafes, hotels and airports in order to offer to travelling Internet users access to email, web or other Internet service. However, two major problems still slow down the deployment of this kind of networks: the lack of a seamless roaming scheme and the variable quality of service experienced by the users. This paper provides a response to these two problems: We present a solution that, on the one hand, allows a mobile node to connect to a foreign WISP in a secure way while preserving its anonymity and, on the other hand, encourages the WISPs to provide the users with good QoS. We analyse the robustness of our solution against various attacks and we prove by means of simulations that our reputation model indeed encourages the WISPs to behave correctly. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.1: Wireless communication, Network communications. General Terms: Design, Security, The...
Naouel Ben Salem, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Markus Jakob
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Naouel Ben Salem, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Markus Jakobsson
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