

Requirements Definition for Survivable Network Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Requirements Definition for Survivable Network Systems
Pervasive societal dependency on large-scale, unbounded network systems, the substantial risks of such dependency, and the growing sophistication of system intruders, have focused increased attention on how to ensure network system survivability. Survivability is the capacity of a system to provide essential services even after successful intrusion and compromise, and to recover full services in a timely manner. Requirements for survivable systems must include definitions of essential and non-essential services, plus definitions of new survivability services for intrusion resistance, recognition, and recovery. Survivable system requirements must also specify both legitimate and intruder usage scenarios, and survivability practices for system development, operation, and evolution. This paper defines a framework for survivable systems requirements definition and discusses requirements for several emerging survivability strategies. Survivability must be designed into network systems, beg...
Richard C. Linger, Nancy R. Mead, Howard F. Lipson
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICRE
Authors Richard C. Linger, Nancy R. Mead, Howard F. Lipson
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