

Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: An Agenda for Future Research

14 years 4 days ago
Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: An Agenda for Future Research
In early phases of the software cycle, requirements prioritization necessarily relies on the specified requirements and on predictions of benefit and cost of individual requirements. This paper presents results of a systematic review of literature, which investigates how existing methods approach the problem of requirements prioritization based on benefit and cost. From this review, it derives a set of under-researched issues which warrant future efforts and sketches an agenda for future research in this area. Key words: Requirements Prioritization, Software Economics, Non-Functional Requirements, Quantitative Prioritization, Systematic Review
Andrea Herrmann, Maya Daneva
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where RE
Authors Andrea Herrmann, Maya Daneva
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