

Research Challenges of Business-Driven IT Management

14 years 6 months ago
Research Challenges of Business-Driven IT Management
Business–driven IT management (BDIM) offers a promising approach to managing enterprise IT infrastructure and services efficiently and to improving business results at the same time. The BDIM methodology is based on mapping IT technical performance metrics to business relevant metrics and exploit the linkage to provide decision support to IT management so as to maximize business value and IT-Business alignment. As an example, the number of successfully executed IT infrastructure changes can be mapped to onto financial loss due to the service disruption experienced by customers when the changes take place. Up to now, there has been some research effort in proposing and applying BDIM solutions to IT management with potential gains for the business. However, much remains to be researched, prototyped and validated before this new IT management approach can become widely applicable. This paper presents a research agenda for BDIM. After reviewing BDIM concepts and proposing a framework to...
Antão Moura, Jacques Philippe Sauvé,
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where BDIM
Authors Antão Moura, Jacques Philippe Sauvé, Claudio Bartolini
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