

Reservation-Based Interrupt Scheduling

14 years 24 days ago
Reservation-Based Interrupt Scheduling
Abstract—Some real-time kernels (such as a recent realtime version of Linux) permit to execute interrupt handlers in dedicated threads, to control their interference on realtime applications. However, from the stand-point of real-time analysis, such threads are challenging and cannot be dealt with in the traditional ways. Furthermore, the application of traditional scheduling solutions (such as fixed priorities) proves ineffective in striking a good trade-off between predictability and hardware performance. This paper shows how the problem ackled by using the resource reservation abstraction and an appropriate model for schedulability analysis.
Nicola Manica, Luca Abeni, Luigi Palopoli
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where RTAS
Authors Nicola Manica, Luca Abeni, Luigi Palopoli
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