

Residual-Based Measurement of Peer and Link Lifetimes in Gnutella Networks

14 years 10 months ago
Residual-Based Measurement of Peer and Link Lifetimes in Gnutella Networks
—Existing methods of measuring lifetimes in P2P systems usually rely on the so-called Create-Based Method (CBM) [16], which divides a given observation window into two halves and samples users “created” in the first half every ∆ time units until they die or the observation period ends. Despite its frequent use [2], [17], [19], this approach has no rigorous accuracy or overhead analysis in the literature. To shed more light on its performance, we first derive a model for CBM and show that small window size or large ∆ may lead to highly inaccurate lifetime distributions. We then show that create-based sampling exhibits an inherent tradeoff between overhead and accuracy, which does not allow any fundamental improvement to the method. Instead, we propose a completely different approach for sampling user dynamics that keeps track of only residual lifetimes of peers and uses a simple renewal-process model to recover the actual lifetimes from the observed residuals. Our analysis i...
Xiaoming Wang, Zhongmei Yao, Dmitri Loguinov
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Xiaoming Wang, Zhongmei Yao, Dmitri Loguinov
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