

ResiLyzer: A Tool for Resilience Analysis in Packet-Switched Communication Networks

14 years 3 months ago
ResiLyzer: A Tool for Resilience Analysis in Packet-Switched Communication Networks
We present a tool for the analysis of fault-tolerance in packet-switched communication networks. Network elements like links or routers can fail or unexpected traffic surges may occur. They lead to service disruptions and degradations. Our tool quantifies these risks and presents a comprehensive digest of the results. We explain the core idea of the analysis and illustrate the tool. 1 Resilience Analysis In previous work [1], we developed a framework for resilience analysis of packetswitched communication networks. Before we present the tool, we give a brief insight into the theoretical concept. To analyze the resilience of a packet-switched communication network we require a model of the network’s topology and the link bandwidths. The routing is known for the failure-free case and it can be computed for all possible failure cases. Further inputs are the expected traffic matrix as well as a probabilistic model for traffic surges h. Finally, a probabilistic model for link and rout...
David Hock, Michael Menth, Matthias Hartmann, Chri
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where MMB
Authors David Hock, Michael Menth, Matthias Hartmann, Christian Schwartz, David Stezenbach
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