

Resource-Aware Parallel Adaptive Computation for Clusters

14 years 6 months ago
Resource-Aware Parallel Adaptive Computation for Clusters
Abstract. Smaller institutions can now maintain local cluster computing environments to support research and teaching in high-performance scientific computation. Researchers can develop, test, and run software on the local cluster and move later to larger clusters and supercomputers at an appropriate time. This presents challenges in the development of software that can be run efficiently on a range of computing environments from the (often heterogeneous) local clusters to the larger clusters and supercomputers. Meanwhile, the clusters are also valuable teaching resources. We describe the use of a heterogeneous cluster at Williams College and its role in the development of software to support scientific computation in such environments, including two summer research projects completed by Williams undergraduates. Cluster computing environments at smaller institutions have provided a new platform for research and teaching in high-performance computing. Such local computing resources s...
James D. Teresco, Laura Effinger-Dean, Arjun Sharm
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICCS
Authors James D. Teresco, Laura Effinger-Dean, Arjun Sharma
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