

A Resource Leasing Policy for on-Demand Computing

14 years 3 months ago
A Resource Leasing Policy for on-Demand Computing
Leasing computational resources for on-demand computing is now a viable option for providers of network services. Temporary spikes or lulls in demand for a service can be accommodated by flexible leasing arrangements. From the service provider's perspective the problem is how many resources to lease and for how long. In this work we formulate and solve the resource leasing problem for the case of a single service. The objective is to minimize the cost of leasing resources while still maintaining an adequate quality of service, which we measure by the average wait time of requests. Demand for the service and execution times of service requests are modelled as random variables. The problem is formulated as continuous-time, infinite-horizon Markov decision problem. We use the dynamic programming method of value iteration for its solution and we characterize the resulting optimal cost function. We find that the cost of providing a service is convex-like in the number of resources lea...
Darin England, Jon B. Weissman
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Darin England, Jon B. Weissman
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