

Resource Sharing by Multilingual Expression Services

14 years 7 months ago
Resource Sharing by Multilingual Expression Services
Multilingual expression services (MESs) are available in many multicultural fields, such as education, medical care, and disaster prevention. In Japan, for example, local governments and NPOs create parallel-texts and provide expression services in such fields. However, these services present a common difficulty: the lack of paralleltexts. Service-computing technology has the potential to allow them to collaborate. In this paper, we show how Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be applied to multicultural activities. As a first step, we propose an architecture, in which language resources are available as web services, and MESs can obtain parallel-texts from the language web services. To achieve this, RDF metadata are attached to parallel-texts and stored in a separate RDF repository, with which users can describe what they need in detail. This arrangement allows MESs to select only the contents they need from the shared resources and show them to users. Our implementation confirms...
Masaki Gotou, Hirofumi Yamaki, Daisuke Yanagisawa,
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Masaki Gotou, Hirofumi Yamaki, Daisuke Yanagisawa, Masamitsu Ukai, Masahiro Tanaka, Toru Ishida
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