

A response to the design-oriented information systems research memorandum

13 years 7 months ago
A response to the design-oriented information systems research memorandum
In response to O¨ sterle et al.’s ‘Memorandum on Design Oriented Information Systems Research’, this commentary disputes, and expands the context of, several premises used to justify the main argument in the memorandum. These include: (1) claims about the evolution and role of design science research in the broader IS community and its position in the so-called ‘AngloSaxon community’, (2) the journal reviewing standards applied to design science research and what is perceived to be a sole focus on behavioral ‘descriptive’ research in certain IS journals. This commentary also discusses how such journals operate and set up their missions, review principles, and standards. European Journal of Information Systems (2011) 20, 11–15. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.56; published online 7 December 2010
Richard Baskerville, Kalle Lyytinen, Vallabh Samba
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where EJIS
Authors Richard Baskerville, Kalle Lyytinen, Vallabh Sambamurthy, Detmar Straub
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