

Results of OKKAM Feature based Entity Matching Algorithm for Instance Matching Contest of OAEI 2009

14 years 9 months ago
Results of OKKAM Feature based Entity Matching Algorithm for Instance Matching Contest of OAEI 2009
To investigate the problem of entity recognition, we deal with the creation of the so-called Entity Name System (ENS) which is an open, public back-bone infrastructure for the (Semantic) Web that enables the creation and systematic re-use of unique identifiers for entities. The ENS can be seen as a very large, distributed “phonebook for everything”, and ENS identifiers might be considered as a “phone number” of entities. Entity descriptions are based on freeform key/value “tagging” rather than on some precise formalism. However, such a genericity has its shortcomings: the ENS can never know what type of entity it is dealing with. We tackle this problem in a novel approach for entity matching that is called Feature Based Entity Matching (FBEM). In the current paper, we report an evaluation of FBEM on datasets provided by the OAEI committee for the instance matching contest. 1 Presentation of the system With the growth and development of Semantic Web, the latter became like...
Heiko Stoermer, Nataliya Rassadko
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Heiko Stoermer, Nataliya Rassadko
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