

Rethinking location sharing: exploring the implications of social-driven vs. purpose-driven location sharing

14 years 4 months ago
Rethinking location sharing: exploring the implications of social-driven vs. purpose-driven location sharing
The popularity of micro-blogging has made generalpurpose information sharing a pervasive phenomenon. This trend is now impacting location sharing applications (LSAs) such that users are sharing their location data with a much wider and more diverse audience. In this paper, we describe this as social-driven sharing, distinguishing it from past examples of what we refer to as purpose-driven location sharing. We explore the differences between these two types of sharing by conducting a comparative twoweek study with nine participants. We found significant differences in terms of users' decisions about what location information to share, their privacy concerns, and how privacy-preserving their disclosures were. Based on these results, we provide design implications for future LSAs. Author Keywords Location sharing, privacy, place naming. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 User Interfaces - user-centered design. General Terms Human Factors, Experimentation.
Karen P. Tang, Jialiu Lin, Jason I. Hong, Daniel P
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where HUC
Authors Karen P. Tang, Jialiu Lin, Jason I. Hong, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Norman M. Sadeh
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