

Retiming and resynthesis with sweep are complete for sequential transformation

14 years 7 months ago
Retiming and resynthesis with sweep are complete for sequential transformation
— There is a long history of investigations and debates on whether a sequence of retiming and resynthesis is complete for all sequential transformations (on steady states). It has been shown that the sweep operation, which adds or removes registers not used by any output, is necessary for some sequential transformations. However, it is an open question whether retiming and resynthesis with sweep are complete. This paper proves that the operations are complete, but with one caveat: at least one resynthesis operation needs to look through the register boundary into the logic of previous cycle. We showed that this one-cycle reachability is required for retiming and resynthesis to be complete for re-encodings with different code length. This requirement comes from the fact that Boolean circuit is used for a discrete function thus its range needs to be computed by a traversal of the circuit. In theory, five operations in the order of sweep, resynthesis, retiming, resynthesis, and sweep a...
Hai Zhou
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Hai Zhou
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