

Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction by Using Multi-resolution Matched Filtering and Directional Region Growing Segmentation

14 years 4 days ago
Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction by Using Multi-resolution Matched Filtering and Directional Region Growing Segmentation
Anew method to extract retinal blood vessels from a colour fundus image is described. Digital colour h d u s images are contrast enhanced in order to obtain sharp edges. The green bands are selected and transformedto correlationcoefficient images by using two sets of Gaussian kernel patches of distinctscalesof resolution. Blood vessels are then extracted by means of a new algorithm, directional recursive region growingsegmentationor D-RRGS. The segmentationresults have been compared with clinically-generated ground truth and evaluated in terms of sensitivity and specificity. The results are encouraging and will be used for fiuther applicationsuch as blood vessel diametermeasurement. David usher2,James F.Boyce Department of Physics, King's College London therefore required as a pre-processing component of an automaticdiagnosislscreeningsystem. In this study, an effective segmentation algorithm for the classification of retinal blood vessels is described. Digital fundusimagesare co...
Mitsutoshi Himaga, David Usher, James F. Boyce
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where MVA
Authors Mitsutoshi Himaga, David Usher, James F. Boyce
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