

A retrospective on the design of the GOPI middleware platform

14 years 1 months ago
A retrospective on the design of the GOPI middleware platform
This paper offers a high-level retrospective overview of the GOPI middleware platform which is the outcome of a three year project aimed at the development of generic, configurable and extensible middleware. GOPI has a clearly defined modular structure, is widely extensible with plug-ins at all levels of the architecture, and natively supports stream interactions as well as standard operation invocation. It offers a generic framework for quality of service (QoS) specification and management, and supports a high level multimedia oriented programming environment that is backwardly compatible with the OMG's CORBA. At its lower levels it supports QoS-driven resource management and features an optimised IIOP stack. Despite its enhanced functionality, GOPI's IIOP performance equals or exceeds that of state-of-the-art CORBA platforms.
Geoff Coulson, Shakuntala Baichoo, Oveeyen Moonian
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where MMS
Authors Geoff Coulson, Shakuntala Baichoo, Oveeyen Moonian
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