

Revealing the Calling History of SIP VoIP Systems by Timing Attacks

14 years 9 months ago
Revealing the Calling History of SIP VoIP Systems by Timing Attacks
Many emergent security threats which did not exist in the traditional telephony network are introduced in SIP VoIP services. To provide high-level security assurance to SIP VoIP services, an inter-domain authentication mechanism is defined in RFC 4474. However, this mechanism introduces another vulnerability: a timing attack which can be used for effectively revealing the calling history of a group of VoIP users. The idea here is to exploit the certificate cache mechanisms supported by SIP VoIP infrastructures, in which the certificate from a caller’s domain will be cached by the callee’s proxy to accelerate subsequent requests. Therefore, SIP processing time varies depending whether the two domains had been into contact beforehand or not. The attacker can thus profile the calling history of a SIP domain by sending probing requests and observing the time required for processing. The result of our experiments demonstrates that this attack can be easily launched. We also discuss...
Ge Zhang, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Leonardo A.
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Ge Zhang, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Leonardo A. Martucci, Sven Ehlert
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