

Revisiting COTS middleware for DRE systems

14 years 6 months ago
Revisiting COTS middleware for DRE systems
Distributed Real-Time Embedded systems (DRE) increasingly rely on COTS middleware to meet their distribution needs. Yet, there is a technology gap between the design of COTS middleware and the high-integrity constraints of real-time engineering. This puts a limit on the adoption of middleware by system families such as space or avionics. In this paper, we present our current work on the “schizophrenic middleware architecture”, a highly tailorable middleware architecture, and its implementation PolyORB. We illustrate how it allows for support of realtime engineering guidelines, enforces determinism, allows for modeling and verification.
Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabric
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon
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