

RFID Technology and AI Techniques for People Location, Orientation and Guiding

14 years 7 months ago
RFID Technology and AI Techniques for People Location, Orientation and Guiding
One of the main problems that we have to face when visiting public or official buildings (i.e hospitals or public administrations) is the lack of information and signs that can guide us. Thanks to the new technology advances, the electronic communication networks can be focused on an objective environment. These techniques can be used to help users to get their right location and orientation. This is the framework we are chosen in this article. The solution proposed in this paper uses a detection and a location system based on wireless technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to plan and inform about the paths the users can follow. The AI system is called PIPSS and integrates planning techniques and scheduling methods.
M. D. R-Moreno, Bonifacio Castaño, Melquiad
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors M. D. R-Moreno, Bonifacio Castaño, Melquiades Carbajo, Angel Moreno
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