

Rhythmic interaction with a mobile device

14 years 5 months ago
Rhythmic interaction with a mobile device
We describe a rhythmic interaction mechanism for mobile devices. A PocketPC with a three degree of freedom linear acceleration meter is used as the experimental platform for data acquisition. Dynamic Movement Primitives are used to learn the limit cycle behavior associated with the rhythmic gestures. We outline the open technical and user experience challenges in the development of usable rhythmic interfaces. Author Keywords rhythmic interaction, mobile devices, dynamic movement primitives, learning, input via inertial sensors ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Miscellaneous, I.3.6 Methodology and Techniques
Vuokko Lantz, Roderick Murray-Smith
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Vuokko Lantz, Roderick Murray-Smith
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