

Rich Services: The Integration Piece of the SOA Puzzle

14 years 3 months ago
Rich Services: The Integration Piece of the SOA Puzzle
One of the key challenges to successful systems-ofsystems integration using Web services technologies is how to address crosscutting architectural concerns such as policy management, governance, and authentication, while still maintaining the lightweight implementation and deployment flavor that distinguishes Web services from earlier attempts at providing interoperable enterprise systems. To address this challenge, this article introduces the notion of a Rich Service, an extension of the standard service notion, based on an architectural pattern that allows hierarchical decomposition of system archite cture according to separate concerns. Rich Services enable the capture of different system aspects and their interactions. By leveraging emerging Enterprise Service Bus technologies, Rich Services also enable a direct transition from a logical to a deployed service-oriented architecture (SOA). This results in immediate benefits not only in SOA design, implementation, deployment, and qua...
Matthew Arrott, Barry Demchak, Vina Ermagan, Claud
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICWS
Authors Matthew Arrott, Barry Demchak, Vina Ermagan, Claudiu Farcas, Emilia Farcas, Ingolf H. Krüger, Massimiliano Menarini
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