

Rivalry and interference with a head-mounted display

14 years 13 days ago
Rivalry and interference with a head-mounted display
Perceptual factors that effect monocular, transparent (a.k.a "see-thru") head mounted displays include binocular rivalry, visual interference, and depth of focus. We report the results of an experiment designed to evaluate the effects of these factors on user performance in a table look-up task. Two backgrounds were used. A dynamic moving background was provided by a large screen TV while an untidy bookshelf was used to provide a complex static background. With the TV background large effects were found attributable to both rivalry and visual interference. These two effects were roughly additive. Smaller effects were found with the bookshelf. In conclusion we suggest that monocular transparent HMDs may be unsuitable for use in visually dynamic environments. However when backgrounds are relatively static, having a transparent display may be preferable to having an opaque display. Keywords Wearable Computing, Mobile Computing Devices, Head Mounted Display, Heads Up Display, Se...
Robert S. Laramee, Colin Ware
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Robert S. Laramee, Colin Ware
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