

Road sign classification using Laplace kernel classifier

14 years 7 days ago
Road sign classification using Laplace kernel classifier
Driver support systems of intelligent vehicles will predict potentially dangerous situations in heavy traffic, help with navigation and vehicle guidance and interact with a human driver. Important information necessary for traffic situation understanding is presented by road signs. A new kernel rule has been developed for road sign classification using the Laplace probability density. Smoothing parameters of the Laplace kernel are optimized by the pseudo-likelihood cross-validation method. To maximize the pseudo-likelihood function, an ExpectationMaximization algorithm is used. The algorithm has been tested on a dataset with more than 4 900 noisy images. A comparison to other classification methods is also given. Key words: Road sign recognition, Kernel density estimation, Expectation-maximization algorithm
Pavel Paclík, Jana Novovicová, Pavel
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where PRL
Authors Pavel Paclík, Jana Novovicová, Pavel Pudil, Petr Somol
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