

Robot trajectory optimization using approximate inference

15 years 2 months ago
Robot trajectory optimization using approximate inference
The general stochastic optimal control (SOC) problem in robotics scenarios is often too complex to be solved exactly and in near real time. A classical approximate solution is to first compute an optimal (deterministic) trajectory and then solve a local linear-quadratic-gaussian (LQG) perturbation model to handle the system stochasticity. We present a new algorithm for this approach which improves upon previous algorithms like iLQG. We consider a probabilistic model for which the maximum likelihood (ML) trajectory coincides with the optimal trajectory and which, in the LQG case, reproduces the classical SOC solution. The algorithm then utilizes approximate inference methods (similar to expectation propagation) that efficiently generalize to non-LQG systems. We demonstrate the algorithm on a simulated 39-DoF humanoid robot.
Marc Toussaint
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 17 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICML
Authors Marc Toussaint
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