

Robust Bilayer Segmentation and Motion/Depth Estimation with a Handheld Camera

13 years 9 months ago
Robust Bilayer Segmentation and Motion/Depth Estimation with a Handheld Camera
—Extracting high-quality dynamic foreground layers from a video sequence is a challenging problem due to the coupling of color, motion, and occlusion. Many approaches assume that the background scene is static or undergoes the planar perspective transformation. In this paper, we relax these restrictions and present a comprehensive system for accurately computing object motion, layer, and depth information. A novel algorithm that combines different clues to extract the foreground layer is proposed, where a voting-like scheme robust to outliers is employed in optimization. The system is capable of handling difficult examples in which the background is nonplanar and the camera freely moves during video capturing. Our work finds several applications, such as high-quality view interpolation and video editing.
Guofeng Zhang, Jiaya Jia, Wei Hua, Hujun Bao
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where PAMI
Authors Guofeng Zhang, Jiaya Jia, Wei Hua, Hujun Bao
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