

Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description

14 years 6 months ago
Robust Estimation of Curvature Information from Noisy 3D Data for Shape Description
We describe an effective and novel approach to infer sign and direction of principal curvatures at each input site from noisy 3D data. Unlike most previous approaches, no local surface fitting, partialderivative computationof any kind, nor oriented normal vector recovery is performed in our method. These approaches are noise-sensitive since accurate, local, partial derivative information is often required, which is usually unavailable from real data because of the unavoidable outlier noise inherent in manymeasurement phases. Also, we can handle points with zero Gaussian curvature uniformly (i.e., without the need to localize and handle them first as a separate process). Our approach is based on Tensor Voting, a unified, salient structure inference process. Both the sign and the direction of principal curvatures are inferred directly from the input. Each input is first transformed into a synthetic tensor. A novel and robust approach based on tensor voting is proposed for curvature info...
Chi-Keung Tang, Gérard G. Medioni
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ICCV
Authors Chi-Keung Tang, Gérard G. Medioni
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