

Robust Full-Motion Recovery of Head by Dynamic Templates and Re-Registration Techniques

14 years 7 months ago
Robust Full-Motion Recovery of Head by Dynamic Templates and Re-Registration Techniques
This paper presents a method to recover the full-motion (3 rotations and 3 translations) of the head from an input video using a cylindrical head model. Given an initial reference template of the head image and the corresponding head pose, the head model is created and full head motion is recovered automatically. The robustness of the approach is achieved by a combination of three techniques. First, we use the iteratively re-weighted least squares (IRLS) technique in conjunction with the image gradient to accommodate non-rigid motion and occlusion. Second, while tracking, the templates are dynamically updated to diminish the effects of self-occlusion and gradual lighting changes and to maintain accurate tracking even when the face moves out of view of the camera. Third, to minimize error accumulation inherent in the use of dynamic templates, we re-register images to a reference template whenever head pose is close to that in the template. The performance of the method, which runs in r...
Jing Xiao, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where FGR
Authors Jing Xiao, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn
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